Liberal Arts Education Worthwhile Essay

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Is a liberal arts education worthwhile?
The question “Should education be a liberal or vocational?” has been a controversial topic. Many people think that education should be for a specific career field. Those people believe that a liberal education would be a waste of time. However, if education was liberal, it would be more effective. A liberal arts education is worthwhile because you can have a variety of job to choose from, you can save money and time, you will have room to change your mind and it is in high demand.
Liberal arts education is worthwhile because depending on your major, you can have a vast variety of jobs or positions to choose from that aren’t necessarily specific. For example, my major is business administration. When I graduate from Lawson State Community College I will have an associates degree in business administration. I want to own my own business in the future. If I decide that I do not want to own my own business, it is a decision that is reasonable for me. I can work for someone else’s company or business. If I want to get a higher position or I decide to follow through in opening my own business, I will able to do that because I’ll have experience in something very general and essential but without it being specific. …show more content…

For example, if a student wants to be an occupational therapist, they would need to be taking a certain class in junior college that is solely based on their career choice. If that student decides that being an occupational therapist is not what they aspire to be any more after they graduate for their Junior college, they would have to basically start over. During the season that they have decided to start over will involve a lot of money and extra time they will have to spend in class opposed to getting a degree in liberal

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