Li And Du Fu Essay

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Life and Works of Li Bai and Du Fu
Biography of Li Bai
Li Po (701–762)
A Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty, Li Po (commonly known as Li Bai, Li Pai, Li T’ai-po, and Li T’ai-pai) was born in central Asia and raised in Sichuan Province. At 725, he wandered through the Yangtze River Valley to write poetry. Some of which he showed to various officials in the vain hope of becoming employed as a secretary. After another nomadic period, in 742 he arrived at Chang’an, the Tang dynasty capital, no doubt wanting to be given a support at court. No official post was approaching, but he was accepted into a group of well-known court poets. In the season of 744 he began his explorations again.
In 742 he was chosen to the Hanlin Academy by Emperor Xuanzong, …show more content…

He is known as a poet historian for his representation of the social and political conditions of his time and is also noted for his creativity and workmanship. Du Fu was born to a minor scholar schoo; in Henan Province. His mother died while he was young and his aunt had helped raised him. Though he studied for the civil service examination to become a civil employer like his father, Du Fu unsuccessfully passed and only spent many years traveling. His first poems thread together events from his voyages and personal accounts of the sufferings he underwent. He also wrote poems about Li Bai. Du Fu requested the government for an official position and was selected registrar in the crown prince’s palace. The rebellion, which lasted for almost eight years, ruthlessly interrupted the Chinese society. In these years, Du Fu led a wandering life, creating poetry of the events he witnessed and tolerated starvation, political turbulence, and personal disaster. Though he finally took up the post of administrator, Du Fu is thought to have begun trouble by being overly meticulous and was reduced. He then moved to Sichuan, where he lived in a hut and wrote many poems relating his relatively joyful

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