Levi Strauss Company and International Markets

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Many companies can experience growth as time passes but to remain viable these companies must continue to compete in the global market. Growth can bring a lot of advantages for example bigger brand name, international market shares, different investors, more resources for income, and even the capability to produce a product for less labor cost. Regardless of the reasons why a company desires to grow internationally, this changeover won't take place without a great number of problems or hurdles. The greatest problems a company may encounter could be the moral and social dilemmas that they will encounter every time they get into a new market in a different country. We will talk about this kind of example with the Levi Strauss and Company and the entry into the international markets. Cultural Issues when Facing a Global Organization Levi Strauss and Company, based in San Francisco, California is actually a world recognized brand and one of the world’s biggest apparel producers. Though established and based in the United States, they buy and operate plants in 110 different countries. Roughly one half of their annual net income is from sales beyond the United States. A few years ago, Levi Strauss and Company came under fire from many foreign organizations to incorporate stockholders, media sites, investment companies, and unions. The reason was an inspection of two plants situated in Bangladesh uncovered the company was employing children to do the work. And while the minimum age within the United States is 16 years and a fixed maximum number of hours are permitted to work, in Bangladesh, it is quite common for children younger than 15 to be doing the job and helping a whole family from their salaries. Additionally, in Bangladesh so... ... middle of paper ... ...make sure that they are doing business in a moral way. Many times, it is not enoug to issue a memo or handout and hope the workers will follow it. Education and training are a continual thing and should be provided across the company. Conclusion These days, many companies are getting into the international market in hopes of growth as well as an increase of earnings. The issue at times ignored in this process happens to be the social factors as well as moral factors. These types of factors are also always modifying since they get into a new country to do business. One “universal” method won't be sufficient in an effort to maintain policy. Arrangements as well as education are essential to the organization's survival in an international market. The more of this they actually do, the better organized they will be in following their moral as well as social obligations.

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