Levertov Wedding Ring

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Title Many objects in our life have meanings. Some of the meaning could represent happiness or sadness. In Denis Levertov’s poem titled “Wedding Ring” she uses the symbol of the wedding ring as her main focus. A wedding ring symbolizes eternal love, and faithfulness. Denis Levertov uses the wedding ring to tell a story. The literal meaning of the story is that her wedding ring is stored in a basket that she rarely opens, but the deeper meaning of this story is that the author got married and divorced after being together for a period of time. Denis Levertov uses many styles of poetry to show her story. This poem is written by the author being the narrating. Denis Levertov uses “my wedding-ring” in the beginning of the story. This indicates that she remembers about her ring. The whole poem feels that she is also her own audience. She is telling her own feelings and wants just to express herself. She starts at where her ring is located and then it progresses that she wishes that the ring be changed into something that has another meaning. The whole poem feels like Denis Levertov is writing her emotions down when she saw her wedding ring. Denis Levertov likes to use metaphors and images in her poem. She compares the basket to the bottom of a well. Bottom of a well represent deep, and …show more content…

Her language is simple. It is written that an average person could understand it. Since this poem was written in 1975 some words may not be used as much. This poem has no rhyme or pattern. The poem sounds like the thoughts of the author when she looked at her old wedding ring and wishes that it meant something else. She does want to give this ring to someone else because she afraid to transfer bad luck, but in next line Denis Levertov writes that this ring cannot be sold either because “the marriage was good in its own time, though that time is gone”. For me it seems that she tries to forget about her marriage, but she

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