Letters By Miss Strangeworth Summary

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In the short story, the author made the idea of this mystery very clear. Everyone’s intentions are not genuine. Miss Strangeworth was a 71 year old lady, who was very nice and polite to everyone, as she would walk around her town. She would help decorate the church with flowers and would stop and speak to everyone she had passed. She had a garden she was obsessed with, that everyone knew about. Behind closed doors she felt different about everyone. She felt like something was wrong and that their was evil trying to travel in the neighborhood. She had this feeling toward everyone but herself. She thought she was the only one who was genuinely happy and wanted to keep peace within the town. She wrote theses anonymous letters to her neighbors saying cruel stuff about their personal …show more content…

For example she found herself going grocery shopping every day and buying in very small portions just so she can come back the next day. She thought the store owner, Mr. Lewis, should remember she always buy her tea bags in small sizes on Tuesdays. This added to her excuses of coming back. She soon found pleasure out of writing these mean letters. She convinced herself that sending the devious letters out was her duty, since she did it for so many years. She did not see herself being a troublemaker at all, but the letters were not doing any good to the community.
The purpose of the letters were to guard the morals of her neighbors, but end up being something she does when she is bored and to make herself feel important. Her letters were color coordinated for each individual in town, for example Don Cran was one of her neighbors that was in a marriage, that was unhealthy in her eyes. They would argue because their kid was not acting like a normal kid, and was showing strange signs that something was not right with him. They thought for the kid to be it’s age it should be more advanced. Don Cran letters were always

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