Letter to the Teacher

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I have greatly improved my writing skills since I have taken the College Ready Writing course. My eighth grade English instructor, Mr. Stephen Tobie, laid the foundation of my writing capabilities while you sculpted them into an admirable talent. He taught me the basics of writing. College Ready Writing gave organization and focus to my writing. I have learned many important skills from my former and current teachers and I have the utmost gratitude for both. Many factors influence a person’s initial writing capabilities but they can always improve through regular use.

I learn rather quickly, but faster in some ways more than in others. I learn through seeing and physically doing. I must visualize a concept and produce it on paper by writing. I retain information while taking notes and I do not have the need to study. I do not learn very well via aural methods alone, although they aid my learning when paired with visual models. Student should recognize what methods they most effectively learn from and use that style of learning to their advantage.

I try to submerge myself into a broad spectrum of writing. From newspaper articles to ancient philosophical texts, I believe that a complete understanding of literature shows true intelligence. On the positive end, I favor personal development texts that I can learn and develop from such as The Art of War by Sun Tzu. In contrast, I prefer not to read literature without meaning or without a hidden concept that the audience must discover. Though I have my preferences, I still try to read “How-to’s” and non-fiction. The literature a person disfavors should be the writing the person should strive to read because they will learn greatly from it.

I think of myself as a strong reader and I be...

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... them in a timely manner. To attend the course daily, I need to have above par health and condition to rule out any possibility of absence. If I actively attend the course and complete all assignments on time, failure has no place in my quest for success. Positive action causes the student to become inactive in negative habits like procrastination and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Writing has become a major method of my expressing beliefs and thoughts. I have had the greatest of writing and English role models. The success of my predecessors has shown in magnitudes through me. They subjected the coal known as my writing to heat and pressure. Eventually, my writing became an uncut diamond; rough around the edges, but a diamond no less. While environmental factors affect a student’s writing, constant review and practice polishes the diamond that lies in every writers mind.

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