Let The Water Hold Me Down Critical Analysis

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Does Dependence Cause Poverty?

A Synthesis of Let the Water Hold Me Down by Michael Spurgeon

At first glance, independence would seem to be an underlying theme is Let the Water Hold Me Down Hank leaves his job and moves to a different country with almost no real plan, this would seem to fall in line with the characteristics of a highly independent person. Upon a more careful analysis, however, we begin to see Hanks actions were motivated not be his want to be independent, but by his fear of being alone and his dependence. Through using the defining terms of dependence in Poor People by William T. Vollmann we can begin to understand how and where Hanks dependence comes from.

Hank moved to Mexico because his friend was there and his wife …show more content…

He and Cesar 's relationship would probably not be ruined because Hank would have seen the warning signs and left. He would have been more vigilant rather than turning a blind eye to Cesar questionable activities. Like Cesar 's extensive drug use, a plethora of illegal guns, and admittance that he sells these on the black market.
Hank, if he were more independent, he would have had the foresight to see that this was a bad situation and would have been strong enough to get out of it, but instead, Hank was motivated by his neediness and dependency. Hanks lack of decision making lead him to have little control or choice over his life and the events that unfolded. Lack of dependence and choice were two major defining characteristics of poverty as told by Vollman. Hanks dependence on people lead him to become choice poor, which with little to no choices he was forced to become more and more dependent on the people around him, which mirror and affirms Vollmann 's perspective of poverty as a vicious cycle and shows just how poor Hank truly was not due to finances but because of circumstance and his inability to be independent which ultimately caused him to become choice

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