Leonhard Euler's Life And Accomplishments

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Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician born on April 15, 1707 in Basel, Switzerland. His parents were Paul Euler and Marguerite Brucker. Euler had two sisters,named Anna Maria and Maria Magdalena, and he was raised in a religious family and would be a faithful calvinist for the rest of his life because of his father being a priest of the Reformed Church and his mother being raised by a dad who was a pastor. Soon after Leonhard Euler was born, his parents moved from Basel to Riehen. His early education started when he began living with his grandmother were he would learn from a poor school that did not have a way of teaching advanced math. He was enrolled in the University of Basel by age …show more content…

This was the first time Euler lost his customary composure and he late agreed that is Gottfried Wilheim Leibniz instead of Pierre de Maupertuis. He had such a solid international reputation that the French Academy created a ninth slot so that Leonhard Euler could join in 1755. In 1760, when an army accidentally destroyed his farm, both the army and Empress Elizabeth payed him enough money to compensate him for the damages and this act endeared the Russian monarchy to him. Even though Euler helped make many contributions and gave the Academy a higher reputation, Euler was forced to leave Berlin because of Frederick who had begun to think of Euler as unsophisticated when he argued about objects he knew little about making Voltaire is new favorite along with a few others in the circle of philosophers that the German king had brought to the academy. The Russian situation improved after Catherine the Great came into power. Euler was given an invitation to return to Saint Petersburg Academy and he accepted. He gained a cataract in his only working left eye that resulted in almost total blindness right when he arrived at Saint Petersburg …show more content…

Not only was his eyesight a problem, but Euler faced other hardships including a fire in St. Peterburg on 1771 that nearly cost him his life but only ended in the destruction of his home and library. Then his wife died at age 40 on 1773. He was still able to gain more awards and honors. He was able to gain two prizes, with the help of his two sons, on the science of the moon’s movements. He gained a little bit of his eyesight with the help of a surgery but he didn’t wait to properly heal so this strained his eyes making him have total blindness once again. He later married the aunt of his first wife in 1776. Finally, on September 18, 1783, Leonhard Euler was talking with a relative while eating about the newly discovered planet named Uranus. He then began to play with one of his grandchildren. He suffered a brain hemorrhage right then which ended the life of a great mathematician. He was 76 years old on that fateful day he died. He was a famous mathematician who was the first to write f(x), had two numbers named after him (e in calculus and the constant y gamma), developed the EulerBernoulli beam equation, and made the letter ‘e’ the base of natural

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