Leon Battista Alberti Research Paper

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Leon Battista Alberti was born in 1404 and passed away in 1472. He was born into a wealthy family. His fathers family was one of the most wealthiest and highest ranking families in Florentine. His fathers name was Lorenzo, there isn’t anything on his mother so it is said that he was an illegitimate child. He studied literature, law and Greek where ever he went with his father. However, from an early age he would teach himself diverse scientific and artistic interests, such as music, sculpture, painting, physics, architecture, and mathematics. He worked as an architect mostly in Florence, Rimini, and Mantua. Not only was he an accomplished architect, he was also a humanist( trained to be so), musician, and art theorist. When he was in Florence somewhere between 1434 and 1436, his interest for visual art really started to show. The first essay in …show more content…

He also created a great bronze equestrian statue of the military commander Gattamelata, one of the revivals of an ancient Rome type, and the first such sculpture to come down from the Renaissance. Donatello learned metallurgy and the fabrication of metals and other substances. He apprenticed with Florence sculptor and metalsmith Lorenzo Ghiberti in 1403, then a few years later when Ghiberti created the bronze doors for the Baptistery of the Florence Cathedral, Donatello assisted in creating the cathedral doors. Some say that Donatello and Brunelleschi actually stuck up a friendship and traveled Rome to study classical art. The experience gave Donatello a deep understanding of classic forms and ornamentation, this important knowledge would eventually change the face of the fifteenth century Italian art. the association between Donatello and Brunelleschi is what most likely influenced him into the Gothic style that was seen in his early

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