Leni Riefenstahl Essay

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Leni Riefenstahl is seen in two lights; one being as a Nazi propagandist and the other as a passionate pioneer filmmaker. Those who view Riefenstahl as a propagandist are critical of her actions and motives that took place within the reign of the Third Reich. Those that view Riefenstahl as a filmmaker admire her passion for the arts and her desire to fulfil her dreams. In a critical view it can be said that Riefenstahl had a significant impact on Nazi propaganda and how it contributed to the Nazi Regime. However it is also possible to conclude that Riefenstahl was solely focused on her career and was blind to the severity of the regime, as were millions of others. Whether or not Riefenstahl knew what was happening, her overall contribution was not as significant to the Third Reich as it was to the art of cinematography. …show more content…

On various occasions Riefenstahl met with Hitler and Goebbels to discuss filmmaking and her career. With these close relationships in mind it becomes easy to accuse and say that perhaps Leni was significant to the Nazi regime and that she did in fact know what was happening. In the making of the film ‘Tiefland’, Riefenstahl used gypsy campers as extras, with the knowledge of how they were being treated. Nina Gladitz, a fellow filmmaker has argued that; 'We have hard evidence from the archives of concentration camps, plus witness statements, to support the claims that Riefenstahl knew about the camps and the fate that awaited her extras.’ With this in mind it is possible for critics to argue that Riefenstahl supported Nazi Ideology, and personally believed in the basis of it. Her films subconsciously coerced people into viewing Hitler as Godly and Heroic, blinding them to the severity of what was truly taking

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