Leadership In The Revolutionary War

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In the Revolutionary War that took place in the 1770’s, both sides had figureheads that were great leaders. However, sometimes that wasn’t always the case. Some people may believe that the Americans astounding victory of the Revolutionary War because of their motivation and purpose of fighting. Although that may be true, more presumably lack of motivation itself isn’t absolute. It is more plausible that leadership skills played a role in the lack of motivation. Many people agree that the deficient leadership skills are the cause of the British defeat in the Revolutionary War. This is because they had difficulty allocating the importance of the war on their part, and providing inspiring motivational speeches. Also, the British were often overconfident …show more content…

They were often putting their soldiers in unnecessary danger that could have easily been avoided. In particular, General John Burgoyne was responsible for the loss of the Battle of Saratoga. Because of arrogance lacked the effort to prepare himself and his troops for battle. He didn’t have much ammunition and lacked many other supplies. His war strategies were also poorly planned out. This had a great impact on the cause of the tragic loss on their behalf. This caused a sparked hope in the Americans and led the French to fully support and fight alongside the Americans as well. This information is just a fraction of endless examples on how the British arrogance played a part in their …show more content…

Without a good leader to motivate his/her people it doesn’t matter the riches, skills, and supplies. If the people don’t see the importance in the matter of which they are fighting for, then they either won’t take the task at hand seriously or perhaps just simply won’t do it at all. An example of how this plays a role in life today is the current presidency. Many people do not agree with the current elected president Donald Trump, but if we had no good leaders or role models to lead things such as protests, then our voices won’t be heard. With good leaders and role models to urge others on to do what's right, then anything at mind is possible. Our life is the way it is because of the leaders in our past. What would happen if there were no good leaders in this word? If there were only followers, and everyone resorted to violence? Would we still have slaves? Would we still discriminate? Would we all have the equal rights that we do today? The revolutionary war was won by the Americans because of the British's very poor leadership skills, overconfidence, and carelessness. With all this information at hand, now we can easily come to the conclusion

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