Leadership In The Odyssey

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Ayrton Senna is the protagonist in his story, the “best” driver to ever walk the earth and best race car (Formula 1) driver to ever come across motorsport. His great skill of driving was supernatural, no one could beat him. Sadly he died on May 1, 1994 in a fatal crash which is very ironic because before the race started, Senna told his team he was wary that he was going to crash and he prayed the night before not to lose his life the next day. But he is still remembered as the best driver on the planet and he will most likely be for a long time. Homer wrote the Odyssey and the main character is Odysseus. Ayrton Senna and Odysseus both display leadership qualities of strength, determination and polymath, they have similar but very different ways of showing leadership.
While Odysseus and Ayrton Senna are very different, both the actions they take part …show more content…

These two leaders are very similar when they both show their self confidence. “Because in a split second, it's gone”(Senna). Senna is stating that you have to take huge risks to succeed, and to have the confidence to know your going to die doing the thing you love is the true goal for Ayrton. Ayrton Senna is not the only one that dedicated his life towards his ultimate goal. "as I wish I too had died at that time and met my destiny on the day when the greatest number of Trojans threw their bronze-headed weapons over me, over the body of perished Achilles, and I would have had my rites and the Achaeans given me glory. Now it is by a dismal death I must be taken" (Fagles 5, 305-312). Odysseus is admitting that he was meant to die to fulfil his destiny in the trojan war. The true goal of leaders is to have a goal that you know you would enjoy and are good at throughout one's journey. Odysseus and Ayrton Senna are similar because of

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