Law Admission Essay

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I first became interested in studying Law after visiting my local Magistrates' Court in the City Centre. After witnessing the impact a Lawyer could have on the outcome of a case and on a person's life, it came to my attention that a career in Law offered a career in which my work made an impact in the world around me. Law also offers a career in which I could directly see the consequences of my work. Laws, in my opinion, are the cogs in the machinery of society; they are guidelines and deterrents that are fundamentally essential for humanity to function. Law is the combined public conscience that tells us right from wrong. Particular areas of interest within the Law degree include Criminal Law and Family Law as they incorporate my love for understanding the human conscience and the problems within society. It is within my greatest interest to unlock the meanings behind criminal behaviour and find out what drives criminals to commit crimes such as murder and manslaughter, crimes that are so badly frowned upon and are so morally wrong yet some people can find it in themselves to inhumanly murder others.
Studying Law at college …show more content…

Although, still realising that there are many contributing factors to crime and that everyone deserves to be represented. Alongside my studies, I currently work at Argos, this has enabled me to interact with a wide demographic of people each day. In order to do this there was the need to develop both verbal and written communication skills. In addition, I’m an active participant in the Debate society and the LGBTQ society, these societies have helped me to be more confident in myself when talking to others and in front of large groups of people and has also helped me to understand other people’s views and opinions and to accept that everyone has different ideas on things in

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