Lather And Nothing Else By Hernando Tellez Summary

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In the story “Lather and Nothing Else”, by Hernando Tellez, the P.O.V. is in first person, from the barber. This is an excellent choice compared to third person omniscient, because this narration creates fear and suspense. It is shown that the P.O.V. is in first person when it states,”I started to lay on the first coat of lather”. The narrator uses “I” in a thought, which is using a pronoun, and only in first person can you use personal pronouns. Also it is told by a protagonist, who is a major character in the story. If the story was in third person limited, there would be no fear or suspense, because we would not know the barbers feelings/thoughts.Which means,”I started to shake”, would not be there(and all the other feelings/thoughts of

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