Last Stop On Market Street Summary

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Art and illustrations play a very important part in children's literature. A story with bad illustrations that don’t go with the text can really hinder a child’s ability to comprehend and pay attention to the book. There are many children books out that have many qualities in their illustrations that are crucial. Some books, like Last Stop On The Market, Monsters Love Underpants, Duncan the Story Dragon, and The Rain Came Down possess these qualities like color, value, character development, and lines that help make them very entertaining to children. Last Stop on Market Street, written by Matt De La Peña and illustrated by Christian Robinson, is a story about a boy and his grandmother taking a trip to the soup kitchen after church. The boy, CJ, keeps complaining about a variety of things like why it is raining and why they did not have a car. His grandma replies with answers like ‘the trees get thirsty, too’ and ‘we got a bus that breathes fire and old Mr. Dennis, who always has a trick for you’. Slowly throughout the …show more content…

In the beginning of the story, CJ kept complaining about the situations he and his grandma were in, not really appreciating anything that he and his grandma are doing. He wondered about why they had to walk in the rain, why they did not have a car, why they had to go to the soup kitchen, and many other questions. His grandma explains why with positive reasons, like they get to experience going on the bus, meeting many different people, why it is beautiful to see these things, etc. There is a part in the story where a man on the bus starts to play a song, which CJ really listens too. He closed his eyes and was ‘lost in the magic’. This was the turning point for CJ. He started to complain less, and started to enjoy and really take in his experiences. At the end of the story, he states that he is glad that he came to the soup kitchen. In the end it shows him holding a bright orange book, which relates to

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