Lap Dance Monologue

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The music was blaring exceptionally loud tonight, Patricia thought to herself. I can’t even hear myself think—let alone some drunk asking me for a lap dance. It was a classic rock night with AC/DC and Metallica playing loudly. If a customer paid the DJ enough cash, he’d trash what the girls wanted to dance to and play what the customer wanted. Fuck it! He got paid more from their tips than from our nightly payout. She knew this was her time to shine—regardless of the music. Faster paced songs made the dancers work harder—and none of them liked that. None except for Patricia, that is. Dancers who give a good stage dance and showed a little muff—always got to do private dances in the back. That is if there was money to be had—and there …show more content…

The guys roared and whined in delight, and she realized what she had to deal with next—wrap her legs around that stripper pole and twist. Not many of the ladies could deal with it as well as her, so whenever she worked; the manager wanted her to perform on it. Though, she reckoned it was more sophisticated than the girls who grinded their bodies on the stage. Patricia considered herself an erotic artist—while some of the dancers could care less about the art, she did. It was a skill—and a damn good trade to have and make bill money. As her legs coiled around the pole the gentlemen so yearned to see her on, she shut her eyes and did what she always did while she performed: imagined she was on a hot tropical island, with a margarita in her hand, and life was near perfect. She pretended like she was in control, not just of the pole—but of everything going wrong in her life. This was Patricia’s chance to shine in an otherwise, and often, gloomy

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