Language And Imagery In Beowulf

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Throughout Beowulf, lines 1424-1434, language and imagery are used to show the dark, vivid mood that correlates Grendel’s mother’s home. Hrothgar’s men are determined to bring about Grendel’s mother’s demise. When Beowulf and Hrothgar's men first approach the home , "Aeschere's head they found by the flood on the foreland there." Aeschere's head shows how the house displays eerie attributes, with the head lying on a rock. It also evokes the terror involved with defeating Grendel's mother, as she is capable of the supernatural. She is a giant with intelligence,and Beowulf is capable of the supernatural as well. Despite horible first impressions, they ponder upon the setting that further develops the feeling of danger. They move further along

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