Language And Gender Research Paper

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Language and Gender Matthew Page

Our capacity as human beings to acquire and express complex methods of communication has been one of the biggest driving forces of humanity’s success. These complex linguistic systems are what we know as language. Language gives us a method of expressing concepts, emotions, and ideas in a varied way which sets us apart from all other animals. Language and gender is an area of sociolinguistics and related fields which attempt to define the differences in language related to gender, and what the inferences of these differences may be.
The initial germinations of the Language and gender field began in 1922 with Otto Jespersen, who was a grammarian and a proponent of 'Deficit Theory' although the actual term 'Deficit Theory' was retrospectively applied to Jespersen's conclusions. In Jespersen's work he concluded the male language to be the normative and other variants such as women's, children’s and foreigner’s speech to be inferior and consequently deficient in comparison with male speech. Jespersen’s theories may seem politically incorrect and sexist within the modern moral universe but we must read him with an understanding of the context of the time. In 1922, women still played a subordinate role in society compared to that of men, male superiority was a common and accepted idea; Jespersen was expressing the status quo. In regard to this, it is my view that we should view Jespersen's work without prejudice and judge him with logic and reason. If we are earnestly committed in our search for truth, we cannot let ethics cloud or distort our findings, it would wrong to invest in the sciences but then disre...

... middle of paper ... This is just the natural evolutionary paradigm that has developed, nature does not have a morality it just 'is'. Given that so much of our success as a human being is down to language, men's domination of this field shows how the ancient patriarchal society developed. It did not change through natural means of evolution but through contemplation and constructing a complex morality which believes in equality, which I guess you could call a type of evolution. Women's speech is more moral and sensitive; so you could call women's language fairer and less abrasive and in consequence; superior, if you base superiority on an ethical level. The language and gender field is a young one which throws up many deep and puzzling questions which I'm sure will be answered in the future. Finally, to end on a quote I'll say; 'men are from Mars and women from Venus.'

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