Lane Smith, Why executions should be public.

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Execution why it needs to be public. Executions being public because it would change the amount of crime committed on the streets, and it would strike fear into the country’s population. Public executions would also help save the taxpayers’ money. Having executions like this would also change the prison population throughout the country. Executing people publicly would bring some closure to the families that were hurt by the suspect being executed. Executions should be public because it would be a crime deterrent, it would save taxpayers’ money, and reduce population in the prison system.

Public execution would put fear into the country’s population. If public execution was legal citizens would witness the consequences of crimes they will begin to think before they act. While there is no solid evidence linking public execution to lower crime rates some professors believe that it will cause a decrease in crime. (Isay) People in this country would not want to commit crimes because people fear death and would not want to be executed. (Leighton) Some believe that the reason people do not support the death penalty is because they fear execution themselves. (Leighton) One group did a study over the decades the years where the execution rate was higher the lower the murder rate was. (Isay) If executions were public and there were executions much like the Suddam Hussein and Benito Mussolini executions people would never commit crimes ever again. (Leighton) Public execution for many crimes would prevent people from doing anything that is seen legally as some form of crime. (Leighton) The rate of crime in the country would drop severely once public execution was made legal for inmates. (Leighton) After witnessing the execution of many inma...

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...eople rethink committing crimes. The drop in the prison population would also reduce prison crime. (Reggio) Fearful people after witnessing executions would not want to go to prison and take chances like that. (Smith) With the drop of prison populations there would be less drug use, murders, and rapes on criminals by criminals in prison. Public executions would most likely prevent prisons from being needed. (Smith) With the prevention of prisons there would be more land to have houses, national parks, hunting clubs, and farmland for the hungry/starving people/children in the country. If the penal system was completely gone the economy would go up and there would be more money for the workers in the country and pay of some of the country’s debt.

Works Cited

Reggio, Michael; Isay, David; Schabner, Dean; Shemtob, Zachary B.; Lat, David; Leighton, Paul; Evans Richard

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