Landiflls and Open Dumps

625 Words2 Pages

Household garbage, yard waste, tires, barrels, lumbar, shingles, asbestos, appliances and furniture which is a sample of things found in abandoned piles called open dumps” instead of being taken to a state certified and regulated solid waste landfills or recycle centers. Open Dumps are found at the bottom of ravines, roadsides, alleys, behind buildings, pastures and other locations people seem to want to dump their waste. Open dumps are illegal waste disposal sites that are not permitted. If open dumps are not immediately disposed of they grow larger and become a danger to the environment affecting wildlife and people.
The health, safety and environmental threats pose by open dumps are: damage to wildlife habitats, contamination of drinking water, disease carrying insects such as mosquitoes, flies and rodents. Safety concerns for fire and explosion, children being injured playing on or around open dumps. Contamination of creeks, streams, lakes, and rivers. Toxic gases poses a threat to the surroundings, groundwater and soil contamination and decline in quality of life by residents and communities where these sites are located.
Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) came into existence with the Industrial Revolution. Because of the crowding in industrial cities and epidemics of contagious disease created support for municipal sanitation infrastructure.
Open dumping is prohibited by law and create a public nuisance, divert land from productive use and sends the value of surrounding land down. Open dumps attracts littering, scavenging, open burning, placement of waste in standing or flowing water, increase of disease-carrying organisms, discharged of liquids (leachate),standing or flowing, (rainwater is most common source for...

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...00 homes and with placement of more solar panels covering more surface of the landfill. The environment is being spared using traditional electricity powering homes, a savings of 1,700 metric tons of carbon dioxide. Republic Services the owners of Tessman Landfill is considering using solar covers on 2,300 acres of landfills across the United States. The ability to generate over 400 megawatts of solar energy. Using this source of renewable energy will assist in the stoppage of emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

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