Lammily Doll Sociology

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1.) Introduction In CNN journalist Chelsea J. Carter’s 2014 article “Move over, Barbie! Make room for ‘average’ Lammily doll” (, she discusses the hot new product, the Lammily doll, which may quickly push the Barbie doll by Mattel out of the picture. Carter writes about what creator Nickolay Lamm had to say about his doll; where his idea came from, why he thinks the doll can make a change, as well as his plans for the doll’s future. The Lammily doll is nowhere close to being a Barbie doll. Lamm wanted his dolls to resemble the figure real beautiful women. To do this Lamm contacted the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to find the average weight and …show more content…

Chapter nine is titled “Gender and Sexuality”. This chapter discusses terms such as “gender”, “sexuality”, and “sexual scripts”. These terms are closely related to the importance that the Lammily doll and the possible impact it could have on girl’s understanding of these topics which largely affect who they are and how they are perceived to be. Chapter thirteen, is titled “The Body, Medicine, Health, and Health Care”. My interest in this chapter as related to the article is because it discusses The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. I find this chapter to be especially important to this article. Wolf, author of The Beauty Myth, “argues that the media confront the vast majority of people with unattainable standard of beauty” (Ritzer 383). Wolf’s argument is completely valid and provides an explanation to the debate of Barbie versus Lammily. The Barbie doll enforces this concept of the “male gaze” by constantly forcing the unreachable image promoted by the men who run the media and companies such as this. While the Lammily doll promotes the idea of the promotion and enforcement of an achievable standard beauty. The Lammily doll’s beauty is achievable because it is “average”, in the sense that this doll was created to closely resemble the average body shape of healthy nineteen year old

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