Lamb To The Slaughter: Is Murder Ever Justified?

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Lamb to the Slaughter Response
Ever: at any time, no matter the circumstance. Putting the definition of this word into the simple question, “Is murder ever justified?”, gives it an entirely different perspective. I know of many people who have said and I have heard many times that no matter the case, violence is never the answer. While I agree on this statement for most of the time, I still think “never” is not the correct word. This leads me to my opinion that yes, murder is a justifiable act. 1939-1945. Six of the worst and most inhumane years the earth has ever seen. Also known as World War Two. This is a perfect example of when murder was justified in recent history. When Adolf Hitler and his forces conquered Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Denmark, Yugoslavia, Greece, and Norway, were we just supposed to kindly ask him to stop over a cup of tea? Would that really work? Countries like the U.S, Great Britain, Soviet Union, and …show more content…

He has no idea of your own knife hidden in your right hand behind your back. All he wants is to kidnap your precious seven year old daughter, who you secretly hid in the cupboard under the sink. Are you just going to sweetly console him into leaving you and your house untouched? Maybe give him a batch of cookies on the way out? Probably not. Assuredly you will realize, “I have to kill this man if I want my daughter and I to survive another day.” In a situation of self defense, murder is the right option, and your only option. “When killing them with kindness doesn’t work, try a baseball bat” - Anonymous. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly. You should always first try to use words before bloodshed. But in some cases there is no other way. I’m not saying murder is always the answer or that it is even the answer most of the time. But I do know that in some cases, murder is

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