Lakshmi Brave Quotes

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Imagine a cool mountain breeze blowing through your hair and goats baaing in the back background. This is what Lakshmi grew up with. As a young girl she would play with her goat and water her plants and take care of her little baby brother. Her step dad was a gambler and did not hold onto money well. The family lost so much money that they could no longer support the family. Lakshmi’s step dad sold her to a woman where she was told that she was helping make money for her family. In reality he just needed to get rid of her so he could pay for the people living in the home ( her brother and mom). As she is fighting for her safety in this new world that she lives in Lakshmi must be brave and face any fears she has. Lakshmi has developed the trait …show more content…

Lakshmi lives in a brothel called “The Happy House” where she was treated exceedingly poor. Moving to the happy house came as a shock to Lakshmi because of how badly the woman who ran it treated her. “Then Mumtaz flies at me. She grabs me by the hair and drags me across the room.” (103). Mumtaz is a very aggressive woman who runs the happy place and she punishes the girls that do not do as the men or she says. “There is a slicing sound, and a clump of my hair falls to the floor.” (107) Mumtaz makes it almost impossible in every way for the girls to leave. She will scar them and make them ugly or she won’t give them medicine to help them get better. She makes them too weak or scared to fight back. While she was at the happy house she met a girl named Shahanna that she became friends with over the time she was there. “It’s Shahanna, the girl with the nut-brown skin, holding a cup of tea.” (114) Shahanna took care of Lakshmi and they treated each other like sisters. When Lakshmi was taken away not only was she escaping to freedom she was leaving everyone who helped her along the way. Even though the story stops abruptly Lakshmi will never forget who helped in that terrible place. A person who goes through something as traumatic as this will come out as a different person and Lakshmi definitely remained …show more content…

‘How much do you want for her?’” 52-53. Lakshmi’s dad was a man with bad habits and he would usually gambel any money her family made. When his habits get the best of him he makes a decision that was made to easily on his side. He sold Lakshmi to a mumtaz, and from then on her life changed forever. “Krishna is shy when he passes me in the village, his sleepy cat eyes fixed on the ground in front of his feet.” 18 When she lived in the mountains she was promised to a boy named Krishna. Lakshmi looked forward to this so when she got her period it meant she could be with him soon. She always watched when he would come home and she was happy when he would walk by. Leaving Krishna was hard for Lakshmi because that was her leaving promised future. When leaving Lakshmi was brave because she kept an open mind about her undecided

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