Lady Mary Wortley Montagu Summary

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Lady Mary Wortley Montagu begins her letter about the small Turkish town of Sophia by addressing her recipient. She states that in her new world, everything seem new and different, and that she hopes that the recipient will enjoy hearing about her extraordinary experiences.
She transitions to talking specifically about the town of Sophia since she does not want to bore her ladyship. This town, she says, is famous for its hot baths, which citizens use for health as well as entertainment. She devoted a day to see this attraction, she recounts. She travelled in a coach so that noone would know that she was there. Wooden lattices and gold paint adorned the carriage. The coaches, which held four passengers, were also embellished with small bunches of flowers, short sayings, baskets, and exquisite fabrics, she remembers. …show more content…

The structure was comprised of five stone domes joined together; windows in the roof let in adequate light, she explains. She states that a portress monitored the outermost dome. Streams of cold water spilled from marble basins into streams that led to the third room. The next room, by comparison, was so hot that it was almost impossible for her to keep her clothes on, she recollects. The last two domes contained hot baths, which were regulated by the addition of varying amounts of cold water.
Clothed in her riding-dress, she must have looked very out of place to the Turkish women, she postulates. Yet the women were astonishingly polite and civil, she commends. Whereas back home a woman dressed in odd garb would have been met with odd looks and disdain, she says, here she was received with interest and good manners. Ladies and their slaves were sprawled out on cushions and carpets, distinguished by their dress. She compliments the women’s beauty, comparing their bodies to those of goddesses drawn by Italian painters Guido Reni and Tiziano

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