Lady Lazarus

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Lady Lazarus The theme we see as soon as the poem starts is persecution. For example, in the very beginning of the poem she is very down on herself when she says “One year in every ten/ I manage it” (2-3). Lady Lazarus is showing us that she has been able to overcome the people and obstacles in her way. She has overcome ridicule and attempted self harming multiple times. In addition, “the peanut-crunching crowd/ Shoves in to see/ them unwrap me hand and foot” (26-28). Lady Lazarus has become an object to her despot. When a person is made an object, it is easier to forget that they too have feelings. Finally, her persecutors have her down to “Flesh, bone, there is nothing there” (75). It is almost as if she is her persecutors whole life. Even after they have her down to nothing, they seem to still be tormenting her. This happens quite often in today’s society and causes many people to consider the ease of death. …show more content…

For example, Lady Lazarus says “The first time it happened I was ten/It was an accident” (35-36). This alludes to her trying to commit suicide. She is at a point in her life when killing herself takes power away from the people oppressing her. In addition, she adds that “Dying/ is an art like everything else” (44). Lady Lazarus turns dying into something theatrical. This could be thought to further her other themes as well as the theme of death. Finally, Lady Lazarus reveals that “It’s easy enough to do it in a cell” (49). Death, in many cases, is the easy way out. However, suicide is frowned upon by those who have few oppressors. Lady Lazarus is, however, not ready to allow her persecutors to win the battle over her

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