Lack Of Education In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Lacking in education allows others to manipulate you. It is important to have knowledge to know what it is going on in today’s society. Education is an essential in everyone’s life to have life skills. Education starts off with baby steps and slowly starts to grow as you have more knowledge. In the novel,”Animal Farm,” by George Orwell deeply goes into detail how lacking in education can give other people the ability to overpower you.
My first example is you won’t know who to believe. The animals didn’t know whether to believe Snowball or Napoleon. “Animals listened first to Napoleon, then to Snowball, and could not make up their minds which was right; indeed, they always found themselves in agreement with the one who was speaking at the moment” (Orwell 56). When it comes to not knowing who to believe, you are left choosing one person over the other. Maybe, both people are wrong and you are given wrong information and you don’t know what the information means. …show more content…

Some people say something has been proved by Science, but don’t show the proof that it has been proved by Science. "This has been proved by Science, comrades" (Orwell 42). Since you hear “has been proved by Science,” you automatically believe it is true if you don’t know anything about the information being given. Not knowing any knowledge only leads to problems and leads you into the wrong direction.
My last example is it is important to know how to read. If you don’t know how to read, how are you expected to know what is going

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