Label Of Deviance Essay

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Deviance as a label, it’s not from the behavior itself but it’s from what people think deviance is. Someone’s actions only seem deviant because people think it is, their actions may go against what that person may think of as normal. Primary deviance is when a behavior labeled deviant by society is basically not seen deviant to those participating in that specific behavior. Whereas, Secondary deviance is when the person actually starts to submit to the thought that the actions that society labels as deviant to be true. In the text it states “... when people are forced by society to see themselves as deviants, they become secondary deviants by repeatedly engaging in deviation as a way of life.”
In the 1965 study conducted by J.L Simmons, a …show more content…

All of these people are labeled as deviant to different kinds of people or groups because to them, their ways of life don’t match up to the way they perceive life to be. If you really think about it, we are all deviants. All of our behaviors, actions, emotions, lifestyles are different from others and in their mind that can be labeled as deviant behavior. In middle school, I was considered obese even though I didn’t weigh over 200 pounds, my doctors still said that I needed to lose the extra weight i did have, this was the start of my thoughts that I didn’t fit in with society. After hearing this initial remark of my weight, I started to notice that I didn’t fit in with the other kids at my school, that I did weigh a little more and then the bullying started, kids started to call me all types of names, like for example “miss piggy” and so much more. After experiencing this backlash from being labeled something I'm not, I started to really believe the things that they were calling me even though I knew it wasn’t true. In correspondence to this, I developed an eating disorder. By the end of my 8th grade year, entering into my

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