La Virgin Mary

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The Roman Catholic Church has deep roots into history. In the 1500s the Roman Catholic Church was most powerful in western Europe (“The Roman Catholic Church in 1500”). The church was very protective of its high position and anyone who questioned the church and its ideas was called a heretic and burnt at the stake. The church gained a lot of follows with different methods throughout centuries. One being telling people they can’t get into heaven without being apart of the church.
The Roman Catholic Church was also very wealthy because most of the relationships that people had with the church dealt with money. For example, rich families would pay so their sons would be in high positions so they could get into heaven easier. Everyone had to pay …show more content…

Founded by Spanish priest Dominic of Caleruega in 1216. The Dominicans had missions in California. The Jesuits had Spanish missions in Africa, Asia, and North America. This large conversion effort started to pick up speed.
Later on, new forms of Catholicism showed up. La Virgin de Guadalupe, also called the Virgin of Guadalupe or Virgin Mary, in Roman Catholicism. Virgin Mary is a very important part in the religious life in Mexico. La Virgin de Guadalupe is one of Mexico's oldest religious images. Her image is a national symbol of Mexico and can be seen everywhere in Mexico.
Virgin Mary has said to appeared to a man by the name of Juan Diego. Juan Diego was a former Aztec who converted. She appeared to him several times, in Tepayac Hill in Mexico City. Once on December 9 and again on December 12, 1531. Mary spoke to Juan Diego in his language and requested that a shrine be built for her on the spot where she appeared. The bishop did not believe him and demanded some sort of proof before he would let a shrine be built. The second time Mary appeared to Juan Diego, she ordered him to collect roses and bring them to the bishop as proof. Then when Juan Diego met with the bishop again he opened his cloak, letting dozens of roses fall and there was the image of Mary imprinted on the cloak (The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica). Once the bishop got his proof he right away ordered to build a church right on Tepayac Hill in honor of La Virgin de Guadalupe. He became the first Roman Catholic indigenous saint from the Americas on July 31st, 2002. He remains one of the most important saints in Mexico’s culture and

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