Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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“The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.” Chief Joseph. The quote was describing that all people should be treated the same, no matter what they look like, what their skills are, or the way they think. Harrison, in “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut relates to the quote because, Harrison was trying to make everyone equal and even though they are not the same. The government wants to make everybody equal by handicapping everybody, making them have equal looks, skills, and knowledge. He was trying to change that. Harrison has a lot of motivation, but that motivation eventually has consequences. Harrison makes brave decisions, but in the end his decisions end up hurting him. To begin, Harrison was motivated to overthrow the government and to get rid of the handicaps. Harrison was thought to be overthrowing the government. “Held on suspicion of plotting to overthrow the government.”(15). Harrison’s motivation was to overthrow the government and to getting rid of the handicaps was his goal. Harrison wanted to control the government and the public. “ I am the emperor, everybody must do what I say at once”(16). …show more content…

Harrison was taken away from his parents for being thought to be attempting to overthrow the government. “H-G men took George and Hazel Bergeron’s fourteen year old son, Harrison, away.”(17). After Harrison was thought to overthrow the government, he was taken away by the H-G men. Also, Harrison thinks that he can outsmart the government and do what he wants while getting away with it. “She fired twice, and the emperor and his empress were dead before they hit the ground.”(17). He thought he could do whatever he wanted, but Diana shot him which prevented him from achieving his goal. Harrison’s motivation had eventually led him to being shot by Diana, which shows that he could not overthrow the

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