Kurosawa Foreshadow

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Kurosawa uses a weighty sound space containing amplified sounds or unseen sound sources that enhance the images presented to the viewer. Cure's background ambient noise keenly conveys a certain mood to lower the viewer's defenses in watching such a thriller film. The overall sound space for most of the movie has been perfectly described as “unnerving atmosphere of silent dread that hangs over nearly every frame of the film” (Pizzello). Amplified sounds, such as a washing machine or a faucet, are used when a character is left alone in the scene with just his or her own thoughts. The viewer and character share the same experience of having thoughts interrupted and drowned out by means of these sounds. The mechanism Kurosawa uses to present a foreshadow is the use of the natural element sounds: wind, water, and …show more content…

Takabe stands out from everyone around him, including from Mamiya, because of the way he expresses his anger that is not typical in the Japanese pacifist culture. Even the murders are so far-fetched that him and his coworker ask the hypnotized killers if they have seen movies or read novels that inspired them to kill someone. It takes awhile for the characters to swallow the fact of hatred and spite towards others and would even rather make supernatural claims of devils making the people do what they do. This juxtaposition of absurd possibilities is noted by Omori's article where she writes, “Yet, we know that in the recent past, Japan has been terrorized by bizarre crimes, notably the poison gas attack in Tokyo subways by members of a cult, the Aum Sect, so the Japanese are preoccupied with searching for explanations for the rise of such movements and Cure is maybe attempting to provide a possibility.” (Omori). This ties in with the movies exploration of the fear of the unknown and the social implications it has caused in

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