Ku Klux Klan Stereotypes Essay

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The Ku Klux Klan: Stereotypes of the Klan
According to Charles C. Alexander, the mention of the words Ku Klux Klan, “most people, including many historians, immediately conceive of a band of sadistic Southerners in white robes and hoods intimidating hapless Negroes” (Alexander, v). The negative stereotypes used against the Ku Klux Klan in America have become the literal definition of the faction as a whole. The stereotypes that have been placed on the group are not entirely true. While most of the stereotypes are based on fact, there are very few that actually describe the Klan fully. While most do not agree with the actions of the Klan, there are some that would be surprised at the true facts behind the matter. Even though negative actions are usually what are focused on, that does not mean the entire group necessarily believed in those actions. The stereotypes placed onto anything, whether that be a person or a group of people, whether positive or negative should never be how they should be identified. By searching deeper into the topic, this would eliminate the stereotypical, and result in a more factual definition.
There are many different ideas about the South and the beliefs that they employ. The article “Misconceptions about the South” quotes Thomas Huxley by stating “The most beautiful hypothesis can be slain by an ugly fact” (Garis, p.246). This quote could relate to a stereotype being placed on something, where the stereotype is an ugly fact. The hypothesis is that the Klan was not just a group of “sadistic southerners in white robes and hoods intimidating hapless Negroes.” (Alexander, v). With various stereotypes playing the role of the ugly facts that ruin the hypothesis. The definition of a stereotype is “a simplified...

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...n be forgotten. Before the volcano erupts, there could be stories told about its previous eruptions and how extensive the damage was. This could very easily be compared to the stereotypes used to describe the Klan, whether they be positive or negative. If one is to dwell in the past, and only focus on the negatives, the present will pass them bye and the future will overwhelm them. This is why the stereotypes, both positive and negative should be done away with. These stereotypes can make us focus on only the negative side of things. As I stated earlier, “A beautiful hypothesis can be slain by an ugly fact” (Garis, p.246). While all of the ugly facts about the Klan are true, one can not ignore the place that it holds in American History. No matter what the stereotypes say, facts are always there to be used, and they are much more accurate than just a generalization.

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