Kohli And Solórzano's Theory Of Racial Microaggression?

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Kohli and Solórzano’s theory of racial microaggression is described as subtle daily verbal and non-verbal racial insults that are often carried out automatically or unconsciously. People of color are usually targeted through layers based on their language, culture, and phenotype, and Eurocentric cultural values through the act of microaggressions often replace these layers. The authors argued that these microaggressions, although said unconsciously or subtly, the consequences of an individual’s experiences can have a detrimental impact on their well-being and self-perceptions (Kholi & Solórzano, 2012).
1. Prior to this article, I actually did not know that these situations are issues, and it is called microaggression. Although I have seen this …show more content…

Similar to the intervention mentioned in the article, I would actually make time and learn not only the students’ name, but also get to know a bit more about them as a person. I would definitely be aware of these situations since I know how big of an impact it is in someone’s identity and well-being. There are many ways that educators can establish positive ethnic and linguistic identities in the students’ surroundings. One of them is by asking teachers to create an international week, wherein there would be different programs everyday for the rest of the week that has to do with students’ culture. In one day, students can dress up according to their culture, and then another day can be an international potluck day, where students bring their favorite cultural dish and share it to class, another one is performing a talent that has to do with their culture, and so on. Things like these will make students be aware of the different cultures that surround them, and learn about how other cultures exist, not just their own. Furthermore, just like previous reading we had about Sleeter (2013), students who embrace both their culture and the dominant culture do better than student who do not. In addition, students perform better academically when the topic can be related to their personal situations or experiences, and I believe teaching students in a multicultural way will be best for all of the students. Above all these, students will understand that everyone is equal, and everyone has their own abilities and talents, no matter how you look like, the way you speak, or where you came from, everyone is entitled to be whoever they want to be, without having to adjust and shift one’s beliefs from their

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