Knock By Daniel Beaty Figurative Language

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Daniel Beaty is an Obie award winner for his special citations. He also is in two , movies , which are called chapter & verse and I dream of an obama where. He is 42 years old , and was born December 28 , 1975. He is born and raised from Dayton , Ohio. Also, a very good poem called knock knock ,was published December 17,2013. This poem had no rhymes or stanzas . But it does have repetition , the repetition is “knock knock”.This saying is repeated because the author and his father had a game , but when he went to jail it was no longer a a game for them. There is no allegory to this poem, but it is figurative language. One of the figurative language that is in this poem is onomatopoeia . The onomatopoeia in this poem is “knock knock”

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