Klein Sexual Orientation Grid Summary

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Klein Sexual Orientation Grid, developed by Dr. Fritz Klein, is the most recent method found in determining someone's sexual orientation. Klein realized that sexual orientation was a "dynamic, multi-variable" process. He concluded that an individual’s sexual orientation was made up of sexual and non-sexual variables that changed over time and with age. So he created a grid that made it a little bit easier to determine your own sexual orientation. Although many are modified, they almost always contain the same idea. For each person, it sets out seven component variables of sexual orientation. These variables are assessed at three different time periods, consisting of the person's past, their present, and their ideal future. The person then receives a rating from 1 to 7 for each of the 21 resulting combinations and then given a result.

After taking the survey I found an issue that makes it a bit confusing for me. The issue was that the ideas of desire and behavior, and of orientation and identity do not always line up as clearly as we would hope. So how can we be sure what to answer? This does not mean that we all experience uncertainty. However, many of us experience shifts in desire, …show more content…

This is a very subjective area. Individuals want to come up with the proper words and labels that accurately reflect themselves. There is some sort of power in identity, language and a sense of community. Evolving language and the words we use to classify our sexual orientation can also offer an understanding of sexual flexibility as a valid experience that challenges traditional concepts of sexual identity. It is a personal process we must respect. Klein also included the variable of self-identification. By completing the KSOG, individuals can ponder the spectrum of complex, interacting and unsolidified elements that make up our sexual

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