Kitten Mills

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Imagine a place where cats are underfed and sick, where cats are not socialized, where cats live in their own waste. These places exist. They are called ‘kitten mills.’ Kitten mills are places where kittens are bred to be sold. Cats at these mills are used to produce kittens, oftentimes in crowded, dirty conditions. Kitten mills shouldn’t be legal in the state of Indiana. Unfortunately, kitten mills contribute to cat overpopulation. An abundance of kitten mill cats are not needed when there are already many homeless cats. Because so many cats are homeless, many end up being euthanized, commonly known as being “put to sleep” or “put down.” In Tulsa, Oklahoma, 65% of the animals that enter an animal shelter are euthanized, due to a lack of shelter space, which is caused by overpopulation. Shelters in Indiana face the same dilemma: when there isn’t space for more animals, healthy animals end up being euthanized. However, even for the cats that aren’t euthanized, life is not always stable. According to the Humane League of the United States, only one out of every five cats lives in one...

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