Kiss The Spider Woman Analysis

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The footnote allows readers to fill in the gaps of Molina’s character, should they choose to believe the research or not. Puig brings Fenichel’s and Frued’s research into the novel to help readers understand Molina’s character in Kiss of the Spider Woman, particularly to explain why Molina volunteers to help Valentin clean up his “accidents” during his illness. To begin, Puig introduces Fenichel’s research, which argues that “the probability of a homosexual orientation increases the more the male child identifies with his mother” (Puig 137). Molina talks about his mother in such an affectionate way, as if he longs for her like how Valentin longs for his girlfriend. Molina describes his mother’s illness as “the danger inside, she carries the …show more content…

Frued’s research explains that “certain abnormal types of personality…may be influenced by repressed anal desires,” including homosexuals, who “are forced to experiment with extra-genital erogenous zones” (Puig 141-142). Puig includes Freud’s research to inform readers of the cause of Molina’s homosexuality. Puig assumes readers are as clueless to homosexuality as Valentin is, so he includes the research to make readers empathize with Molina’s character rather than Valentin’s. Readers begin to understand the “why” behind Molina’s actions, especially to his actions regarding Valentin’s “accidents.” Frued’s abnormal personality types fostering anal desires present “an obsession for order and cleanliness [because of] the guilt which they have felt on account of their impulse to play with feces” (Puig 141). While Molina is ill, Valentin does nothing to help besides listen to his stories for a short time. While Valentin is ill, however, Molina offers to help keep him clean by wiping him after his “accidents” and offering his clothes and sheets. According to Frued’s research, Molina is not afraid to clean up after Valentin because he used to do play with feces himself as a child, which also explains Molina’s homosexuality. All of this research, should the reader agree with it, provides deeper insight into Molina’s character and why he makes various

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