Kinsey Movie Reflection

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The film Kinsey portrays the life of Alford Charles Kinsey a biologist who studied human sexuality. Thought the film we see Professor Kinsey work to try and understand human sexuality. His research lead to understanding what people did in their personal lives versus what society thought they did. Kinsey work helped people understand their own sexualities and how to have healthy relationships. This essay will examine the Kinsey film and examine facts that I thought were extremely interesting and that I was not aware of or facts that disturbed me. I will also state why these specific scenes stood out to me. The film Kinsey was so full of surprises for me; I was not familiar with the work of Kinsey and the impact that he had on the lives of so many people. I am very passionate about sex education and what I found really interesting was how open Kinsey was with his students when it came to sex and the fact that he taught a sex education course especially seeing the times he was living in. During the film we see that Kinsey wants to teach a sex education course (marriage course) because he has multiple students ask him for advice and he sees how …show more content…

They were just basically saying don’t have sex and the students were shown pictures of what STDs could look like on a person. This part really stood out to me because this is similar to the sex education that I received. . In the U.S. most states to this day are not required to provide students with medically accurate information when it comes to sex. Most schools teach abstinence only sex education and that has lead to disastrous results of high teen pregnancy rate and STD cases. There was a point in the film where the was brief discussion about a STD spreading I believe it was chlamydia and that just hit me because just last year there was a chlamydia outbreak in a Texas High

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