King Macbeth Research Paper

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King Macbeth

King Macbeth “Mac Bethad Mac Findlaich was king of the Scots from 1040 until his death. Recent evidence is indicating he spent much of his time in and around the forces area of Moray. Defeating his cousin Duncan then king of Moray in a battle at nearby Pitgaveny. Born in 1005 in Scotland United Kingdom died August 15 of 1057 Lumphanan United Kingdom. ‍‍‍ Today, Macbeth is best known for the play based loosely on his character by William Shakespeare.(wiki 1) However, though the play depicts him as a murderer and usurper, available historical data indicates that Shakespeare’s rendition of the Scottish King is far from accurate and bears little resemblance to the man that ruled at the dawn of the 11th century. (D & M 1)MacBeth …show more content…

It said that he engaged the reigning king, Duncan I, in battle at a place called Elgin in Morayshire, and, upon his death, took control of the whole kingdom. At the age of 35, MacBeth was crowned the king of Scotland. (T.H 2)There was lots of killing, and all this was led to Macbeth finally becoming king. Just five years after his crowning in 1040, Macbeth confronted and killed the previous King’s father, Crinana of Dunkeld, in battle. With the two previous Kings gone, and Duncan I’s wife and children taking refuge outside of Scotland, Macbeth encountered little resistance to his …show more content…

He became more of a dictator and embraced a conservative style of leadership in an attempt to secure his position of power. For the next 17 years, life was peaceful and flourishing. Macbeth is known to have been deeply entrenched in strong values of lawfulness, and he was embraced by the general populace. Macbeth ruled with an even hand and encouraged the spread of Christianity. He re enforced several good laws, among them one that enforced Celtic tradition requiring officers of the court to defend women and orphans anywhere in the kingdom. Another allowed daughters the same rights of inheritance as sons. The only domestic disruption was in 1045, a rebellion by Duncan I's supporters that was soon suppressed. In 1046, Siward, earl of Northumbria, unsuccessfully attempted to dethrone Macbeth. In addition to being a just ruler and successful military tactician, Macbeth is also described as having been rich and

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