King David's Failures

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“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

There are two examples that come to mind when I think of great men who failed GOD. First, there’s David, who was the leader of GOD’s nation, Israel, and yet he killed a man to cover up his sin. Then there’s Moses, Israel’s great leader, who did many miracles in GOD’s name, that was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.
Yet GOD called David a man after HIS own heart, and it is said that there will never be another prophet like Moses, who spoke to GOD face to face. These were GOD’s chosen leaders, set to be examples for HIS people.
Why would GOD speak so highly of such men as these? Should it not be that their sins should them, follow them to the grave? Shouldn’t they be constantly reminded of their shortcomings in light of the privilege that GOD gave to them? Should we ever forget what they have done?
According to what I see in writings today, we should bash them forever. We should strip them of their title and their privilege. We should never let them forget. But that’s not GOD’s way. GOD extends forgiveness to all no matter the “level” of sin they commit. HE doesn’t have levels for sin. HE just sees sin and …show more content…

I’m reminded of Romans 11. There’s a part in that chapter where GOD is warning the Gentiles not to become too cocky. He reminds all Gentiles that their place in HIM can be stripped away just as easily as was the place of the disobedient Jews. “Do not be arrogant, but tremble. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either.” (Romans 11:20-21) In relaying this message to us in modern times, it would probably read differently. It would say for us to be careful of the judgements that you want GOD to exact on others because of their sin because in GOD’s justice HE would have to exact the same level of judgement on us when we sin. And remember, there are no levels of sin in GOD, just

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