King David's Autism-Personal Narrative

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David wasn’t usually too talkative, but that was probably because of his autism. Occasionally he would chat about his math class or what new puzzle he had bought, but the lunch table was pretty well accustomed to his silence. When November came, it brought with it posters plastered on the walls of the hallways announcing the drama club’s production of 1989.

During lunch, David would recite line by line the entire script of 1989. The first time he did his lengthy monologue, we were shocked. David has autism and isn’t the most talkative boy to begin with, but especially so during lunch. He preferred to place as many chips as he could into his mouth at a time and chew pensively rather than contribute to the lunch room banter. At first, his …show more content…

“You’re saying the entire play,” I replied as I came to the realization that he had been serious when he texted me three weeks before and told me he was going to try out for the play. It was sophomore year and I didn’t even know we had a thespian club. Nevertheless, I told him to go for it. And he did. He secured himself a spot in the play and was determined to the best he …show more content…

I would go home every night and practice programming simple websites and looking at the codes of my favorite websites. My optimism haphazardly patched the holes poked into my veil of excitement by the constant error messages I received. I ignored my waning enthusiasm until we had to create surveys. The vail of excitement came crashing down and I realized computer programming was not my passion. My attention to detail is not nearly sharp enough to succeed in the profession. I consistently programmed errors so complex that even the teacher couldn’t fix them. The final straw was the horrible posture I cultivated during that class. When scheduling for senior year came around, I filled my schedule with familiar classes and study halls with the memory of HTML still fresh in my mind. As the principal came to collect our papers, I realized what I had done. So, after hours of carefully plotting my senior schedule, I erased it all and filled in the lines with new classes that sounded interesting. Maybe senior year I’ll figure it all out I

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