King Congo King Research Paper

603 Words2 Pages

King Of The Congo Punishment King of Belgium, Leopold the second was responsible for the deaths and cruelty of millions due to his harsh leadership over the Congo Free State. This large area is in the modern day Democratic Republic of the Congo and at the time was rich in rubber. Congo Free State was created to improve the lives of its native inhabitants, but Leopold II took absolute control. Under his control he mutilated and killed the servants who mined for the rich resources in the land. Workers had to mine enough of their designated supplies, if not they would be given their punishment which was either mutilation or death. As Sovereign over the people in the Congo, everyone was forced to do their share labor. In the 80s and 90s the need for rubber for the bicycle and car industry increased, this was the reason for such demand. The Congo had the worlds largest supply of wild rubber which meant a lot of money coming in for Leopold if he kept up with the need for rubber. Each person has to meet a quota of materials to keep up with the demand Leopold set. The Congo became one large...

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