King Arthur's Legacy

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King Arthur’s legacy in the literature world relies solely on his ability to convey a litany of symbols; as stated in the text, “...he still looms large today as a potent symbol of the fearless, all-conquering, idealistic warrior king” (Jenner 64). Firm belief in the legend resides in the belief of what he embodies -- a classic “hero” in literature. Representing fearlessness and warrior-esque traits, people are able to look to King Arthur and his legends in time of need for strength and courage. This is similar to how his Knights of the Round Table look towards him. Being able to conquer all but still remain idealistic and -- depending on the legend -- merciful, allows King Arthur to retain his status as popular, and it also allows his legends to continue existing. Another reason King Arthur’s legend survives and is believed by many people is the monetary value presented by it. Relying on “artifacts” and locations, many people used the legend to their advantage such as …show more content…

The dream if a chivalrous and cultured warrior king always at the ready to defend a god-fearing civilisation from the wild barbarians is a potent concept, as relevant now as ever it was” (Jenner 69). People want an idea to believe in, and King Arthur grants them it. Chivalry, culture, and courage have always been dreams of those who grew up reading stories about knights in shining armor -- even for those who had not -- and the Arthurian myth is the epitome of the traits. The legend still exists simply because people still want to believe in the idea that anyone could embody the Arthurian ideals and save people from harms standing in their ways. The “warrior king” is a legend that could be forgotten; however, it will stay as a way for others to embrace a culture they wish they could have been a part

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