Kinematics Essay

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“The definition of “kinematics” is the study of the motion of objects using words, equations, graphs and diagrams and numbers. Kinematics is a study aimed at explaining the motion of objects.”1 In kinematics velocity plays a key role in explaining the motion that occurs. Although velocity and speed are different (Velocity includes a direction) both are used to describe a motion. There are a few different devices that can be used to measure the speed of an object or motion in sports.

A radar gun can be used to clock to the speed of objects ranging from large things such as race cars or small things traveling very fast such as baseballs. Although there are different types of radar guns that specialize in each both, both operate with the same principles

How Radar Works
Basic forms of radar are simple to understand. They can be used to measure many different things such as trains and cars to throwing and kicking a ball. An easy way of being able to understand this is with the example of when you hear a car blowing his horn and as the car passes you the sound of the horn seems to de...

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