Kim Jong Un Research Paper

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It seems like tensions between the United States and North Korea are getting worse. The North Korean President Kim Jong Un is about to attack whoever is within his spectrum of enemies, and Donald Trump is not happy about it. He tries his best at delivering promises and keeping Americans safe.

Weather peacefully or aggressively, the North Korean president must calm down. And this is something Mr. Trump promised to take care of. In one of his statements, the North Korean dictator expressed his desires to meet with President Donald Trump. What foods will the presidents eat if this meeting ever happen? What does Donald Trump have in common with Kim Jong Un when it comes to food?

Presidents Will Eat Steak

It's not surprising that Donald Trump …show more content…

According to Fujimoto, Kim Jong Un is a big fan of Kobe Steaks. This dish is always served during important events and parties at the President's Palace.

Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un will Drink Cristal

Despite unbelievable poverty and hunger in the country, North Korean President doesn't seem to restrict himself from consuming expensive wines and champagnes. His favorite label is Cristal. One bottle of this magical sparkling wine is worth $300.

Kim Jong Un is not the only fan of a good champagne. Donald Trump tends to feature expensive wine during his special events. During his inauguration, Trump had a variety of labels offered for 200 guests that included Supreme Court Justices and Congressional Leaders.

Kim Jong Un's Hamburgers

The propaganda machine of North Korea has invented a legend about the "Great Leader" of the country. According to the myth, Kim Jong Un himself invented a "unique" dish for people of North Korea - Hamburger. Yes, the N. Korean dictator fooled his citizens by making them believe that he was the one who created the Double Bread With Meat. Kim made the new food to supply quality diet to teachers and

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