Khaled Sins In The Kite Runner

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The Kite Runner Essay “I want to try making things right because picking up the pieces is way better than leaving them the way they are” (Elkeles). In the historical fiction novel, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini, a young innocent boy, named Amir, witnesses his servant Hassan get raped and sends him away by framing him. Later in the story Amir is given the chance to address his sins and finds out Hassan died but had a child, named Sohrab. Amir signifies his atonement for Hassan by making sacrifices in order to save Sohrab from Kabul and by accomplishing good deeds toward Sohrab he never attended to in his past. Amir demonstrates that he atones his sins by going back to the dangerous Middle East. After Amir moved to America he married and moved to San Francisco. One summer Rahim Khan called Amir to visit him in Pakistan but Amir knew that it was also to face his “past of unatoned sins” (1). Amir knew what situation he would be putting …show more content…

When Sohrab is hesitant to go with Amir to America, he is fearful that his new family will not accept him. Amir reassures Sohrab that he “‘won’t ever get tired of [him]”’ (324). Amir is devoted to Sohrab unlike how he shunned Hassan in his past. Furthermore, Amir brings Sohrab into his life and introduces him to a new world, opposed how he pushed away and avoided Hassan. Once Amir and Sohrab return to America, Amir’s step-father is concerned and confronts Amir about adopting a ‘Hazara boy’. Amir defends his new son and establishes that his step-father “‘will never refer to [Sohrab] as ‘Hazara boy’ in [his] presence’” (361). Amir is loyal to Sohrab and makes sure he is treated with respect even by his own in-laws. Amir stays by Sohrab’s side, that revises all the times he was not there for Hassan. Amir loves and cherishes Sohrab for all the times he left Hassan companionless and

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