Key Elements Of Spiritual Mentoring

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In the book, Spiritual Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking and Giving Direction, Keith Anderson and Randy Reese help us know that spiritual mentoring is for ordinary followers of Christ. As ordinary believers who model as Jesus did in our daily lives we pass on our faith in teaching another. Although the command Jesus gives us in ‘following me’ is simple, the relationship is complex. “This simple command assumes a complex relationship through which one becomes educated for the reign of God” (Anderson and Reese 15). Furthermore, Jesus commands the church “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to obey everything I have command you.” (NIV, Matthew 28:19-20). Hence, this paper is a summary of each chapter, finalizing with …show more content…

But it is about what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about in your life that you are to follow in obedience as He is leading. Spiritual mentoring is a form of spiritual formation. “These relationships may be formal or informal, structured or unstructured, hierarchical or mutual, but they all have one primary function: they are processes of spiritual formation by which one person becomes a spiritual guide for one or several others” (Anderson and Reese 36). However, it is important to be aware that spiritual formation is strongly influenced through informal mentoring. (Anderson and …show more content…

To listen what is being shared and discern what God may be undertaking in the life of the mentoree. The mentor should create a safe learning space so that the mentoree can hear and have an open heart to be taught. Seeking to be taught should be an action we never outgrow as a believer, but lives that represent lifelong learning. And sixth, to discern wisely what God is up. This will come when seeking a desire to walk close with God and spending time with Him. (Anderson and Reese) Seventh, spiritual mentoring is for all believers practiced in all. It is not just reserved for specialists. Readiness to mentor is seen in believers who nurture hospitable friendships, are self aware of God leading in their life, and are able to help another believer listen. (Anderson and Reese) The characteristics to look for in a mentor are a Christ-like role model displaying holiness, spiritual maturity, biblical knowledge, wisdom, spiritual disciplines, prayer, a listener, gifted in recognizing potential, discerning, trustworthy, experienced life, and an attitude of grace. The primary task of the mentor is “to awaken the mentoree to his or her uniqueness as a loved child of God, created in the image of God for intimacy of relationship that empowers the individual for authentic acts of ministry” (Anderson and Reese 45).
The Art of Beginning Well:

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