Kerri Strug Research Paper

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Kerri Strug had a very chaotic childhood. She was inspired to do gymnastics because her sister had started years before she was born and was still doing it when she was born. Kerri’s first time doing gymnastics was in a moms and tots,where you learn the easy basics of gymnastics. She quickly fell in love with the sport and started going to a gym so she could get better at the sport. You will go through levels until you are at the elite level. Kerri had her first meet when she was eight years old. After you’ve reached the elite level most gymnastics start training more often and for longer. When she was thirteen, she decided she was going to move away from home and go to Karolyi camp to have more intense training with better coaches. At this camp you stayed in cabins and had to wake up early …show more content…

As she was training at Karolyi camp it got harder and harder. She started training six to seven days a week for eights hours a day. When she was training her original plan was to go to UCLA on scholarship. When she was chosen for the 1996 Olympics at eighteen years old that plan didn’t work out so she stuck to U.S.A. gymnastics. Floor was one of Kerri’s better events. She had a skill named after her it was called the Strug. A Strug is a leap that she made up. To have a skill named after you you have to perform it in a meet. In the finals for the Olympics Kerri was chosen for vault. On her first vault she landed badly and tore two ligaments in her foot. Bela Karolyi her coach was screaming at her from the sideline “one more”. The only way the U.S. could win is if she did another vault. Kerri was given thirty seconds to decide whether she was going again. Kerri went again landing on one foot she saluted the judges for approval then collapsed to the ground. Bela ran to her and carried her off as he was doing this the crowds were cheering and clapping. In the next hours were awards she had won gold for her

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