Kendyl Folk: How To Keep Your Personal Healthy

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What is personal health? Personal health can mean many different things to many different people. To me it means taking care of your body, eating healthy, exercising, and having a positive attitude. To other people such as eleven year old LMES student, Kendyl Folk, it means to be physically fit, healthy, and energetic. In this essay you will read about what happens when you don’t keep your personal health up, tips on how to keep your personal health up, and other people’s perspectives about what personal health means to them. Personal health is important because it makes your life more enjoyable, fun, and easier. Some people like state that personal health “emphasizes the importance of knowledge, attitudes, and practices relating …show more content…

Exercise is a specifically planned and organized session of physical activity that you do to improve or maintain your physical fitness. Another way that you can display your personal health is to stay or be physically fit. Physically fit is the ability to handle the physical demands of everyday life without becoming overly tired. One way that you can stay physically fit is by doing a team sport. There are tons of opportunities for you to do a sport. Whether it is on a school team or at an after school place like Crooked Creek Park. Sixty-five year old retired hair dresser, Pauline McClinton, says “I walk around the neighborhood and do yard work where everyone can see. I also do housework and play with my grandkids (big and little).” Another way that you can stay physically fit and exercise is by walking your dog. Eleven year old LMES student, Kendyl Folk, says “I walk the dogs and I hit the baseball and when it goes down the hill I run as fast as I can to go and get it.” Everyone does some type of exercise, whether it be a sport, walking a pet, or doing housework and/or yard work. Do not think that just because you exercise right now that when you get older you don’t have to. You always needs to be healthy and exercise. Pauline McClinton said that she will continue to show her personal health in the future by “Keep trying to do the same things I am doing right now as long as I can”. Kendyl

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