Katz Violence Against Women

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When Katz uses talks about the term “boys will be boys”, he talks about how it is just the normal thing for boys and men to hurt women. Many men who have committed violent acts against a women will say that “they acted violently because they could not control their raging emotions” (Katz, 2006, 88). However, this point is not valid because, when question about an incident men do understand and control what they are doing. If there are kids present some (not all) men will restrain from a violent outburst against a women so the children do not witness is, giving the father a bad look (Katz, 2006, 88). The problem is not a loss of control, it is quiet the contradiction, it is an actually use of control in those moments. Control where men use their power, fully knowing what they are doing, to get what they want by using violent or sexual motives. This is why it is so hard for some …show more content…

The first example of this is the use of gender neutral when it comes to violent and sexual assault against women. Instead of focusing the real problem on men, (who are committing most of these violent attacks) out language focuses on a more broader level, with statements such as: “The primary risk factor for violence is gender” and “Sexual violence can occur at any time and be perpetrated by anybody” (Katz, 2006, 95). Katz also goes on to talk about how many people are not willing to face the fact that interpersonal violence is a gendered phenomenon. Even looking in today’s world (12 years after The Macho Paradox was written) we can see that most of the massive shootings, if not all, are being done by men, and mostly white men. Why is this not true for women, why are women not as violent as men? More importantly why do we as a society persist on stating that violence is a gender neutral problem, when it seems like mostly men are the ones reacting in violent

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