Katy Perry Firework

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The struggles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) people for human rights, civil rights, and equal rights has moved to the center stage throughout the world. Inspiring artists, such as Katy Perry and Macklemore, shared their point of views in regards to LGBT through their songs. Katy Perry’s song “Firework” from her album Teenage Dream (2010), focused on the idea of revealing your true self to the world, instead, of keeping it a secret or a hidden darkness inside of you. It tells us not to be afraid of whom we really are but to be proud of it. Then in Macklemore’s “Same Love” song from his album The Heist (2012), he mentioned that human, civil, and equal rights and compared it to the issue of LGBT; that any kind of hate and unacceptable …show more content…

In the first opening lyrics, “Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, Drifting through the wind, Wanting to start again;” these lyrics question individuals who are weak and vulnerable and being compared them to a plastic bag, drifting in whichever direction society takes them. These individuals tend to feel worthless, powerless, and tiny in a community because most of the time, they do not even know themselves. Another lyric, “You don’t have to feel, Like a waste of space,” which means that no one is any less important than anyone else and there is a reason for their existence in this world. This contributes to the overall meaning since it tells people that in society, everyone is equal regardless of their preferred sexuality. The song tittle along with the lyrics, “Baby you’re a firework” is comparing an individual’s character to the color of the sparks. Everyone in the world is a human being who has their own unique characteristics; therefore, Katy Perry is expressing that everyone should show their true colors to the world. Everyone is meant to shine and stand out from the rest, no matter what others believe (Montgomery, 2010). This is significant and touching for those who are different and afraid to reveal their true self because it gives them …show more content…

It is more understandable because Macklemore tells an experience of being “gay.” Also, that it is okay to be proud of who you are and that you cannot change who you are so go ahead and just accept it. Lyrics go as read, “For those that like the same sex had the characteristics, the right-wing conservatives think it's a decision, and you can be cured with some treatment and religion.” These lyrics are stating that even politicians believe being homosexual is a decision oneself chose to be. That LGBT is an option and not a given but the truth is, they do not understand how hard it is for LGBT individuals to accept it themselves. As the next set of lyrics describes how a LGBT individual would think “And I can’t change, even if I tried, Even if I wanted to.” This again states that being homosexual is not a choice and they cannot change something that is unchangeable. Love from a mother to a father, parents to their children, woman to a man, man to a man, woman to a woman, are all the “same love.” As long as affection is being traded and shared, it is the same love that any others are receiving and this should be acknowledged and

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